Wednesday, September 8, 2010


My strengths: I am good at concentrating. I can sit at my desk and study for an hour if I am not interrupted. I have a study environment that is free of distractions and is fit for a study place.

My weaknesses: If I am interrupted I find it hard to start concentrating again.

Sensory memory, Working memory, Long term memory, Flashbulb memory, Long-term potentiation

1. LLWSF - Long-term potentiation Long term memory Working memory Sensory memory Flashbulb memory

2. LFWLS - Long-term potentiation Flashbulb memory Working memory Long term memory Sensory memory

3. FLSL - Flashbulb memory Long-term potentiation Sensory memory Long term memory

4. FWLS - Flashbulb memory Working memory Long-term potentiation Sensory memory

5. SFLLW - Sensory memory Flashbulb memory Long term memory Long-term potentiation Working memory

Mnemonic: SMMR

Mnemonic: WKGM

Mnemonic: LGTM

Mnemonic: FBBM

Mnemonic: LGTP

I need to set up a plan for how I am going to study. Usually I do not follow a plan, I just read over the information. That works alright, but having a plan would help me more efficiently cover the information.

I need to vary my study methods. I need to diversify the methods that I use to learn the information. Instead of just reading over the info I could write questions make flashcards, etc.

1 comment:

  1. 100 Thank you for your posting. :) I hope after consciously recognizing what you can improve on you are able to apply these techniques to help you in all of your classes.
