Friday, August 20, 2010

Research Methods

Name: Reid Jordan

Go to:

Go to: Research Methods.

Go to: Survey

1. Explain why do psychologists use surveys. They might want to know about an aspect of behavior that is private and not usually shared with others.

2. Identify and define the 3 types of questions used for surveys. Close-ended questions: all possible responses are included and the participant marks the one that most applies to his or her circumstances. Partially closed: There is room for the participant to fill in an answer that is not there. Open-ended: Participants are free to respond in there own words.

3. Answer the question posed on slide 7. 1.M 2.15 3.No 4.Yes 5.No 6. Yes 7.Yes 8.Hunting4 Personal Protection5 Shooting Sports4 Other1 9.Yes 10. (A.7 B. 7 C.7) 11. 1 12.IT would be bad. IT would not deter the people who shouldn’t have guns, criminals, from getting guns. It would just fuel a black market for stolen guns.

4. Determine why a representative sample is necessary for our survey development. We can’t survey everyone so we need to survey a group that is similar to the whole population.

5. Explain the type of sampling method will we use for our survey. We will be using a face-to-face interview format. We will ask the participant a question and record their reply.

Go to:

Go to: Research Methods

Go to: Choosing Participants – Sampling.

Go to: Relationship between Researchers and Participants.

1. Explain researcher effects. Researcher effects can change the behavior of the participants. For example: a tone of voice can push the participant into responding in the way that the researcher wants him to.

2. Explain the ways used to minimize these effects in research. The purpose of the investigation can be disguised. Single-blind and double-blind experiments are set up.

Go to: Correlations

1. Define positive correlation: both variables either increase at the same time or decrease at the same time.

2. Define negative correlation: the variables move in opposite directions.

Go to: Questionnaires & Interviews.

1. List the strengths and weaknesses of using surveys. Strengths: large participant volume, large amounts of data, can specifically show changes in behavior and attitudes before and after specific events. Weaknesses: people say what they think looks good, people lie, possible low response rate.

2. Determine how we will use quantitative or qualitative data analysis. (Justify your rationale.)

We will use quantitative data analysis. We need to gather the percentages of what people do what. i.e. 50%said yes, 50% said no.

Go to: Data Analysis & Presentations.

1. State the type of graph or chart will work best for our survey purposes.


1 comment:

  1. This is excellent work Reid. Thank you for completely answering the questions and providing strong insight into the content. Great posting!! 100
